In line with our management of Corporate Social Responsibility, we gratefully welcome the recognition of “HELIX from the Bell-LLoc Foundation” for our policy related to the labor inclusion of people with different disabilities.
This recognition has been granted, given that in 2020 Hidrocolor contracted the Bell-Lloc Foundation to carry out gardening services during 2020.
Given that this collaboration has been very satisfactory for both parties, during this year 2021, the contract with the Bell-LLoc Foundation has been extended, in order to continue maintaining the gardening in Hidrocolor.
In addition, Hidrocolor has expanded the services offered by the Fundación del Viver del Bell-LLoc in our company, carrying out since January 2021 the adaptation and cleaning work of our “HRS” filtration equipment of the atmospheric emissions of our processes of drying.
The HRS Gas Filtration Equipment, by means of electrophiles, ensures that the oils that are introduced as lubricants for the fibers and fabrics during their manufacture (spinning and weaving) reach the atmosphere. These oils evaporate when the fabrics are subjected to drying processes at 200ºC. Therefore, all these gases are treated in the HRS before emitting them into the atmosphere.
Although not being legally obliged, the reserve calculation of 2% of the workforce in companies to employ disabled workers, by company policy we apply it. Having staff hired both internally and externally, to people with different abilities. Our Human Resources policy is more open to diversity, we have an open corporate culture, without prejudice, in tune with society and, therefore, more competitive.
In the same way, we understand that the hiring of people with different capacities is within Hidrocolor’s values and its CSR policies, reinforcing a more integrated and equal world for all.